CME activity

Choisir avec soin : outils concrets pour faire des choix judicieux dans sa pratique


12 December 2023
12:15 – 13:15


An invitation not to be missed for General Practitioners who are members of the DRMG of Montreal!


A list of attendees may be sent to the pharmaceutical company after the activity, if requested. By registering, the physician and/or any other healthcare professional consent to their name and surname being disclosed to the pharmaceutical company. The pharmaceutical company undertakes not to disclose this information without the participant’s consent. If you do not wish to have your name and surname disclosed, please write to Mrs. Aline Sabbagh at, indicating the activity number.

Recognition of Educational Activities

The Association of General Practitioners of Montreal, under the umbrella accreditation of the FMOQ, recognizes 1.00 hour of category 1 credits for participants in this activity. FMOQ number to retrieve your certificate: 88464.

For complete information on this activity, see the invitation. (Downloadable PDF)


Dre Ariane MurrayPrésidente de séance
Dr René WittmerMédecine de famille


À partir du 1er juin 2024, nos formations seront disponibles pour les médecins non membres et autres professionnels de la santé moyennant des frais. Cette décision vise à élargir l'accès à nos événements et formations.