Available Jobs

The Montreal healthcare network provides several opportunities for family physicians who are looking to take on new challenges.
Check out below all the job offers from medical facilities in Montreal.
To post a job opening (fees apply), please send us an email at info@amom.net.

La Cité médicale Montréal

Posting date: November 2024

Positions available:

  • Family Physicians for patient care
  • Family Physicians for walk-in clinic/Gap service
  • Family Physicians for occupational health

Our GMF, located in Westmount within the CIUSSS Centre-Ouest territory, is at the forefront of technology with a fully computerized system and a high-end work environment. Just steps away from downtown Montreal and integrated into Place Alexis-Nihon, our new offices host various medical specialties. With over 27,000 registrations, our facility brings together a multidisciplinary team consisting of numerous specialist physicians and health professionals such as clinical nurses, auxiliary nurses, social workers, a psychologist, nutritionists, and a pharmacist. It is a professional environment that combines innovation and performance, ideal for those looking to excel in the health field.

For more information, please contact Dr. Samer Daher at 514 730-5902 or via email at sdaher@lacitemedicalemtl.com.

Humana Groupe Santé

Posting Date : January 2025

Positions available:

  • 10 family doctors for Maisonneuve-Rosemont Medical Clinic
  • 6 family doctors for Collectif Médica
  • 10 family doctors for Hochelaga Medical Center
  • 10 family doctors for 1851 Medical Clinic

Humana Health Group is a network of modern medical clinics that brings together professionals committed to providing humane, accessible, and high-quality healthcare. Our mission: to create a work environment where doctors feel supported, valued, and free to focus on what they do best — caring for their patients. We firmly believe in collaboration, mutual respect, and continuous professional development. By joining our group, you become part of a warm team that values mutual assistance and innovation. We offer experienced and competent administrative support, well-equipped clinics, and an environment conducive to professional growth.

At Humana, we are dedicated to building human-centered care environments and contributing to the well-being of the communities we serve. Come meet us or contact us to discuss your needs! We look forward to working with you and making a real difference in the daily lives of your patients.

To apply or for more information, please email us at recrutement@humanagroupesante.com

Clinique médicale Désy

Posting Date : January 2025

4 positions available:

  • Family doctors for patient care
  • Family doctors for walk-in/GAP service

Désy Clinic has a solid 40-year history. We are currently located in the brand-new Montréal-Nord Medical Complex. All offices are equipped with modern, new furniture, and nearly all offices have large windows. We offer very attractive and negotiable rates tailored to your practice style.

We have numerous general practitioners working in close collaboration within a dynamic team. We also have several specialists (urologists, surgeon, pulmonologist, rheumatologist, gynecologist, internist) who are available for our patients and work closely with our general practitioners. Our team also includes 4 IPSPL nurses working in primary care and follow-ups, 3 clinical nurses, and 5 auxiliary nurses. Three more nurses will join us in the coming weeks. We also have 2 social workers, a nutritionist, and 2 pharmacists.

Our emergency service is designed similarly to setups found in hospital centers: very functional and efficient, with triage and surgery rooms and a complete lab service.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you are interested and would like to come visit us.

Dr. Ariane Laliberté :
Email: alaliberte34@gmail.com
Cell: 514-424-4705

Judith Godin, Manager :
Email: administration@cliniquedesy.com
Phone: 514-326-9060, ext. 105